Government to Meet with Striking University Non-Academic Staff on Monday


State Minister of Higher Education Dr. Suren Raghavan, announced plans to engage in discussions with the university non-academic staff unions currently on strike over various demands.

He emphasized that the government, including President Ranil Wickremesinghe, is committed to finding the best possible resolution.

State Minister Raghavan was addressing a press briefing held at the Presidential Media Centre (PMC) Thursday (31) under the theme of “Collective Path to a Stable Country”.

The State Minister, adding to his remarks, also stated,

University non-academic staff is currently on strike, which is unfortunate as it impacts the future generation of students. The strike is causing a direct financial loss of around Rs. 150 million and wasting of 1.8 million man hours. Therefore, our government must not waste any more time.

To meet the demands of the trade unions, including a salary increase, Rs. 1.1 billion are needed for the next six months. I have requested a report on this matter, and discussions are underway with the Ministry of Finance and the Treasury to find solutions.

Discussions with the union leaders currently on strike are scheduled for next Monday. We hope to reach a mutually agreeable solution. President Ranil Wickremesinghe and the government are committed to providing the best resolution.

Additionally, higher education in this country needs to evolve. At the recent Global Higher Education Summit, it was clear that many countries believe the higher education system must adapt to modern changes. I believe we should follow this direction.

Legislation to establish the National Higher Education Development Commission is being prepared. Our goal is to develop our higher education system so that students can pursue advanced studies without needing to go abroad.

State Minister of Higher Education Dr. Suren Raghavan plans to discuss demands with university non-academic staff unions currently on strike. He emphasized government commitment to finding a resolution, including President Ranil Wickremesinghe. The strike is causing financial loss and man-hour wastage. Rs. 1.1 billion is needed for demands in the next six months. Talks with Ministry of Finance and Treasury are ongoing. Discussions with union leaders are scheduled for next Monday. There is a focus on evolving higher education in the country, with plans for a National Higher Education Development Commission. The goal is to develop the system so students can pursue advanced studies domestically.

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