Buddhism should be prioritized in accordance with the constitution


The President further mentioned that if anyone attempts to change this principle, they should work towards amending the constitution accordingly.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe made these comments during his participation in the opening ceremony of the “Gurudev Suva Arana Gilan Bhikshu Centre” constructed in Kiriwatthuduwa, Homagama, today (01).

The President stressed the vital recognition that all three branches of government – executive, legislature, and judiciary – should prioritize the Buddhist doctrine within the country. He highlighted that failing to uphold this principle is a violation of the constitution, emphasizing that all members of parliament are obligated to protect and uphold the constitution.

The President emphasized the importance of recognizing that the executive, the constitution, and the judiciary, as the three branches of government, should give importance to the Buddhist doctrine within the country. He reiterated that failing to support this principle would breach the constitution, emphasizing the duty of all Members of Parliament to protect it.

The President underlined that the constitution of the country is based on the principles of people’s sovereignty, prioritizing Buddhism, and protecting territorial integrity. He emphasized the necessity of consistently progressing while safeguarding these principles, pointing out that any opposition to them would violate the constitution.

Furthermore, the President mentioned that he was tasked with overseeing the treatment of a critically ill patient. He mentioned that the patient, who was on the verge of death, is now showing gradual signs of improvement. The President expressed his sincere gratitude in advance for the invaluable guidance and support provided by the Maha Sangha throughout this effort.

As per the suggestion of the late Chief Registrar of Sri Lanka Ramanya Maha Nikaya, and the Chief incumbent of Sri Dhathumaluwa Viharaya Kohuwala, Venerable Mapalagama Siri Somissara Nayaka Thero, and following the recommendation of the current Chief incumbent of Sri Dhathumaluwa Viharaya Kohuwala Venerable Pitigala Sonuttara Nayaka Thero, the “Gurudev Suva Arana Gilan Bhikshu Centre” has been established to cater to the needs of monks locally and internationally.

The “Gurudev Suva Arana Gilan Bhikshu Centre” consists of a five-story building and a three-story building, providing simultaneous treatment for fifty monks. Its amenities include 20 rooms, a ward yard, an alms hall, medicine stores, emergency treatment units, office rooms, and hostel for doctors, ensuring comprehensive care and accommodation for those in need.

Under the supervision of qualified medical professionals, facilities have been set up to offer treatment for sick monks. Additionally, a conducive environment has been created to accommodate five hundred monks for meditation practice.

The construction of this Gurudev Suva Arana Gilan Bhikshu Centre has been completed through the labor contributions of the Sri Lanka Army, supported by both local and international donors.

Venerable Bhikkuni Neunghaeng, the Chief of the Buddhist hospital in Ulsan, South Korea, and SinDaw, a Bhikkuni Kaushon from the Long Fong Monastery in Taiwan, have generously contributed to the medical equipment of this facility. Their contributions were made in response to an invitation extended by Venerable Katuwana Wijithawansa, Sri Lankaramadhipathi, Hethu, South Korea.

After unveiling the plaque and inaugurating the Gurudev Suva Arana Gilan Bhikshu Centre, the President proceeded to conduct an inspection tour of the facility.

During the ceremony, honor was paid to the current Chief incumbent of Sri Dhathumaluwa Viharaya Kohuwala Venerable Pitigala Sonuttara Nayaka Thero, for his national and religious service. Additionally, recognition was given to him for his dedication to establishing the Gurudev Suva Arana Gilan Bhikshu Centre, catering to monks both domestically and internationally. This gesture was an expression of gratitude from the Sri Lankan Ramayana Maha Nikaya. Following the conferral of the Sri Sannath Patra honorary title, the President presented the vijinipata to him.

The President also presented a commemorative gift to Venerable Neunghaeng, the head of the Buddhist hospital in Ulsan, South Korea, who generously provided the essential medical equipment for this monk hospital center. Additionally, a commemorative gift was given to Mrs. Sandhya Kantilatha, who graciously donated the land for the construction of this Bhikshu Hospital.

Continuing his remarks, President Ranil Wickremesinghe stated,

This marks the establishment of the first dedicated hospital for monks in Sri Lanka. While our country’s hospitals have traditionally accommodated monk wards, this facility is distinctively reserved solely for the care of sick monks. The government extends its gratitude to all contributors, particularly the efforts led by Bhikkuni Neunghaeng of South Korea.

I wish to emphasize that we have sought ongoing support from the Ministry of Health – Indigenous Medicine section to sustain this endeavor, and I assure you that such assistance will be forthcoming. The government is also committed to providing resources for the continued development and enhancement of this hospital.

Moreover, situated in a stunning natural setting, it is imperative that we prioritize the protection of this environment as we progress forward with this project.

An argument has emerged advocating for the separation of government and Buddhism. However, considering the legal framework, every citizen in our country has the right to practice the religion of their choice, or to hold no religious beliefs at all.

Moreover, our constitution mandates that any government should accord priority to Buddhism. This responsibility is not solely vested in the government but extends to the state as a whole. Therefore, the support of all three branches of the state – the executive led by the President, the Parliament led by the Speaker, and the Judiciary led by the Chief Justice – is essential to uphold this principle.

Failure to provide this support goes against the Constitution. As Members of Parliament, we have all taken an oath to uphold the constitution, and it is incumbent upon us to adhere to its principles. Despite the conflicts experienced in our country, such a request has never been raised or discussed before.

It is essential to recognize that the three branches of government – the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary – should prioritize the Buddhist doctrine within our nation. While debate may arise regarding the specifics of implementation, the fundamental principle remains indisputable. As a government, it is imperative that we adhere to it. If there is a desire to amend this principle, it must be done through constitutional amendments.

The constitution of our country underscores three fundamental principles: people’s sovereignty, prioritizing Buddhism, and maintaining territorial integrity. It is imperative that we uphold these principles as the basis for our actions. Any opposition to these principles is deemed a violation of the constitution.

Currently, our hospital is caring for numerous patients, and I have been entrusted with the responsibility of treating one particular patient. We are making gradual progress in treating this critically ill individual, engaging in ongoing discussions to ensure the best possible outcome. Healing a patient is not an instantaneous process; it requires time and dedication. It is estimated that it will take another three to four years to fully treat this patient. However, we are grateful for the opportunity to undertake this important work. I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the venerable Maha Sangha for their invaluable support in this endeavor.

The President emphasized the importance of prioritizing the Buddhist doctrine within the government, as outlined in the constitution. He stressed that all three branches of government should support this principle, with failure to do so constituting a violation of the constitution. The President highlighted the establishment of the “Gurudev Suva Arana Gilan Bhikshu Centre” to cater to the needs of monks, with contributions from local and international donors. He expressed gratitude to those involved and emphasized the ongoing support needed to sustain the hospital’s operations. The President also addressed the need for continued protection of the environment surrounding the facility.

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