Ambassador from Sri Lanka to Myanmar Holds Meetings with Union Ministers of Hotels and Tourism, Religious Affairs and Culture, and Science and Technology in Myanmar


Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Myanmar Prabashini Ponnamperuma attended three separate meetings with Myanmar Union Minister for Hotels and Tourism Dr. Thet Thet Khine, Union Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture U Tin Oo Lwin, and Union Minister for Science and Technology Dr. Myo Thein Kyaw, in Nay Pyi Taw recently.

The meeting with the Union Minister for Hotels and Tourism of Myanmar Dr. Thet Thet Khine was mainly focused on further enhancing the cooperation between the two countries in the tourism sector.  Opportunities for strengthening Buddhist religious tourism, utilizing the flow of tourists including those who visit Sri Lanka from Myanmar to worship the Temple of Tooth Relic, the requirement of direct flights between the two countries, the utilization of BIMSTEC platform to enhance the religious tourism between the countries including Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, India, and Nepal were highlighted during the meeting. Deputy Minister and other senior officials of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism of Myanmar, including the Director General of the Ministry also took part in the discussion.

During the meeting with the Union Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture of Myanmar U Tin Oo Lwin, matters relevant to religious and cultural cooperation between Myanmar and Sri Lanka including enhancing connectivity between the Buddhist temples and religious institutes of the two countries were discussed. The importance of maintaining and further strengthening of the cultural and religious connectivity between the two countries, based on Theravada Buddhism was reiterated. The senior officials of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture were also present at the discussion.

In the meeting with the Union Minister for Science and Technology of Myanmar Dr. Myo Thein Kyaw held at the Ministry of Science and Technology of Myanmar, furthering of bilateral relations in the Science and Technology sphere including in academic level collaboration between universities and technological institutes was discussed. The utilization of human resources of the two countries in the IT and other related fields for mutual benefit was also highlighted. The Deputy Minister and officials from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Myanmar were in attendance.

Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Myanmar, Prabashini Ponnamperuma, recently attended meetings with three Myanmar Union Ministers – for Hotels and Tourism, Religious Affairs and Culture, and Science and Technology – in Nay Pyi Taw. Discussions focused on enhancing cooperation in tourism, religious and cultural connectivity, and science and technology collaboration between the two countries. The meeting with the Minister for Hotels and Tourism addressed opportunities in Buddhist religious tourism, direct flights, and utilizing the BIMSTEC platform. The meeting with the Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture emphasized maintaining Theravada Buddhism connections. The meeting with the Minister for Science and Technology discussed academic collaboration and utilizing human resources in IT fields.

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