INS Shalki submarine leaves island


The Indian Navy submarine INS Shalki which arrived in Colombo on 02nd August 2024, departed the island yesterday on successful completion of its formal visit.

The Sri Lanka Navy bade customary farewell to the departing submarine at the port of Colombo.

Sri Lanka Navy personnel had the opportunity to visit INS Shalki and get to know about its various functions. Also, the submarine crew explored some of the country’s tourist attractions, during their stay in the island.

The positive interactions from regional navies’ friendly visits are expected to significantly enhance future efforts in fostering goodwill and cooperation. This collaboration aims to collectively address and overcome the common maritime challenges within the Indian Ocean region.

The Indian Navy submarine INS Shalki visited Colombo on August 2, 2024, and departed after a successful formal visit. The Sri Lanka Navy bid farewell to the submarine, which allowed their personnel to visit and learn about its functions. The submarine crew also explored tourist attractions in Sri Lanka. These friendly interactions between regional navies are expected to enhance future cooperation efforts in addressing common maritime challenges in the Indian Ocean region. The collaboration aims to foster goodwill and cooperation among the navies involved.

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