Local Government Elections in Sri Lanka Do Little to Alleviate Tragic Fate amidst Economic Recovery Efforts


President Ranil Wickremesinghe expressed that if funding were allocated to the local government elections, the country would have faced a tragic situation instead of focusing on economic recovery. The President stressed that there were several critical areas that required funding priority over the elections. Despite these challenges, President Wickremesinghe highlighted that the country’s economy has been strengthened and moved forward on a solid foundation.

President Wickremesinghe made these statements while participating in a meeting with former heads of local government institutions held today (20) at the Monarch Imperial Hotel, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte. This meeting was organized in response to a request from local government representatives from across the island.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe further mentioned:

“When I took over the country two years ago, it was facing multiple crises. There was not only an economic collapse but also a breakdown in law and politics. Even political parties were in disarray.

When I was offered the role of Prime Minister, I accepted it without hesitation. Prior to me, the opposition leader and other party leaders were offered, but none of them took up the challenge. Once I accepted the challenge, I called upon all parties to unite in rebuilding the country.

I initially tried to engage in discussions with the President of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP). However, the chairman of that party did not agree. I then held talks with former President Mahinda Rajapaksa. He mentioned that he would consult with his party and inform me of their decision. Eventually, former President Rajapaksa and the SLPP declared their support for me.

During that time, I also sought the support of the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB). However, its leader, Sajith Premadasa, mentioned that he would contest the parliamentary vote to elect the President. In the end, he did not contest and instead nominated Dullas Alahapperuma. Despite this, a group of SJB members voted for me. I also had discussions with the Tamil parties and other factions, securing their support as well.

Upon assuming the presidency, I encountered numerous challenges. The economy had completely collapsed. The grassroots governance and political mechanisms were in disarray. At the grassroots level, there was an environment where the houses of people’s representatives and activists could be set on fire, and they could be intimidated into taking to the streets. This situation was not limited to members of the SLPP but extended to members of other parties as well. If this continued, the rioters would take over power at the grassroots level, attempting to control villages.

Gradually, I managed to steer the country forward by overcoming these challenges. Throughout this process, we faced protests and agitations, but we persevered.

The local government election took place against this backdrop. However, there were insufficient funds allocated for it. Many issues needed prioritization over that election, such as allocating money for importing medicines and fuel.

During that time, the Election Commission sought advice from Mr. Saliya Peiris P.C. without consulting the Attorney General regarding the local government election, which was a misguided action. Eventually, its members resigned, and a new team was appointed. I made it clear at that time that there was no money in the country to hold local government elections.

If I had proceeded with the election at the expense of economic development, the country would be in a much worse state today. Would it have been possible to recover from the state of the country? Would it have been possible to allocate three times as much money to “Aswesuma” as to “Samurdhi”? Would it have been possible to implement the “Urumaya” free deeds program? If that had happened, we wouldn’t have been able to achieve any of this.

We have somehow managed to overcome these challenges and push the country’s economy forward on a strong foundation. This is why people have money in their hands today. I aimed to provide some relief to the people who are suffering in the country. Accordingly, arrangements were made to provide them with “Aswesuma”. Each household received ten kilos of rice. Free land rights were provided under the “Urumaya” program. Ownership of housing units was given to those living in flats. Additionally, the agricultural modernization program has been initiated.

The decentralized budget enabled us to allocate funds for implementing development programs at the grassroots level. Thanks to these measures, people are receiving relief today.

On that day, a significant number of people in the country declared that they would give their votes to the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP). However, today, they are nowhere to be found. Another group announced that they would vote for Sajith Premadasa. Today, they are also silent. Due to the strong program we have launched, they have not been able to engage with the people. They have not been able to confront the program we have established. They do not have answers. But our program is only just beginning.

We acknowledge that injustice has been done to all of you gathered here today. We have planned to address this issue with the Attorney General. Regardless, we will take steps to lift the current ban after the upcoming elections. An election cannot be held once a year has passed since the submission of nominations. Newcomers should also be given the opportunity to compete. I recall submitting nominations for the local government elections in 1988. However, during that time, due to the JVP uprising, all those nominations were canceled, and new nominations were requested.

In this manner, we will proceed in the future to ensure justice for all of you. You now have a favorable situation to reach the people at the grassroots level. Seize this opportunity and engage with the people, speaking the truth with them. Take steps to enhance people’s understanding of the challenging journey we have endured. You can do it.

The JVP or the SJB lack a clear plan or vision to address the problems in the country and build a brighter future for the people. People have now recognized the deceit they are being led into. A country cannot progress on lies. We should explore how to develop Sri Lanka similar to the progress seen in countries like Singapore and Japan. The political system should be tailored to suit the country. While there may be multiple parties, the goal should be singular.

There may be times when political parties collaborate as well as times when they operate independently. However, there should be room to work together within a single framework.

Another significant issue in the country today is creating job opportunities for the youth grappling with unemployment. Among these efforts, the impoverished individuals in the country, constituting about 25%, should not be neglected. We must work to rescue people from this situation. Various economic programs have been formulated for this purpose. We must implement them and systematically work to reduce the number of impoverished individuals at the grassroots level.

We have already passed the Women’s Empowerment Act and taken measures to enhance women’s representation.

Additionally, the proposal to conduct the provincial council election using the old system was put forward by MP Sumanthiran. I have no objections to this proposal, but it has been conveyed that women’s representation should also be incorporated.
JVP and SJB have been organizing their activities for the presidential election for about six months now. They have been campaigning for about a year. They need more vigor. Let us kickstart our work promptly. I have no doubts about our success.”

Minister of Urban Development and Housing Prasanna Ranatunga,

“All the political parties leading the government, including the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna, convene for a discussion every Monday. During one such meeting, President Ranil Wickremesinghe requested Mr. Basil Rajapaksa to organize a meeting with local government representatives. The President believes in upholding the party’s identity and advancing it. Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa also values the support of local government members.

When former President Mahinda Rajapaksa was defeated in 2015, it was the local government councilors who diligently worked to restore him to power. Recognizing their vital role, President Wickremesinghe has also taken steps to meet with local government representatives to hear their perspectives. Their support is crucial for the President to secure victory in the upcoming elections, as local government representatives have consistently contributed significantly to the country.”

State Minister Janaka Wakkambura,

“Two years ago, on a day like today, we entrusted President Ranil Wickremesinghe with 134 votes in Parliament to elect him. We appointed you with the support of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna because of our confidence in your ability to guide the country democratically. Today, you have created an environment conducive to political activity, steering the country away from economic collapse.

The President has never made hollow promises. When he commits to something, he delivers, showcasing the traits of a seasoned political leader.

You have met our expectations and stayed true to the trust we invested in you. We extend our thanks and admiration for your leadership. You have imparted valuable political insights on decision-making. When I assumed the role of State Minister of Local Government, local government elections were imminent, and the country was in dire straits. Approximately 90,000 nominations were submitted, but many of the political parties involved no longer exist, and some nominees have left the country.

Despite numerous challenges, you ensured the job security of around 8,400 local government employees. Your intervention enabled them to attain permanent employment with pensions. You also swiftly and decisively addressed deficiencies in the Ministry of Local Government. Thanks to your bold leadership, we now have a conducive environment for conducting political elections.

As local government representatives, you must work diligently to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe and ensure he has the opportunity to continue his work in the next 05 years.”

Member of Parliament Mr. Vajira Abeywardena,

As President Ranil Wickremesinghe has indicated, the country is forging a new path. You have supported the national leader, Ranil Wickremesinghe, not based on political party affiliations but through significant personal sacrifice. You have lost your homes, properties, and even future political opportunities in the process. For this, we extend our deepest respect and gratitude.

Two years ago today, leaders and MPs from various parties, including the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna, elected Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe as the eighth executive president with 134 parliamentary votes. While the United National Party had long aspired for this, it was realized through your efforts. We must acknowledge this achievement. President Wickremesinghe is known for his gratitude, hence we must proceed cautiously.

The presidential election is scheduled before October 17. As we prepare, there are concerns and queries that require clarification. Some speculate that the election may be postponed due to a lack of campaign slogans or suggest that the 22nd Amendment is intended to delay the election. Nonetheless, Article 83 of the Constitution is explicit: it does not affect the presidential election. The proposed constitutional amendment aims to rectify past mistakes. Together, we can ensure that this presidential election will be a historic triumph for Sri Lanka.”

The event was graced by Minister Harin Fernando, State Minister Arundika Fernando, Members of Parliament, Attorney-at-Law Premanath C. Dolawatta, Attorney-at-Law Madhura Withanage, Secretary General of the United National Party Palitha Range Bandara, former mayor Nandana Gunathilaka, and representatives from Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna, United National Party, Sri Lanka Freedom Party, as well as other former Mayors, Deputy Mayors, Chairmen, Vice Presidents, and other officials.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe emphasized that the local government elections were not prioritized due to the country’s economic recovery being the main focus. Despite facing multiple crises when he took office, the President highlighted the strengthened economy and solid foundation laid for future development. He also discussed the challenges faced in rebuilding the country and working with various political parties for support. The meeting with former heads of local government institutions aimed to address concerns and ensure continued support for the President in upcoming elections. The event was attended by various political figures, emphasizing the importance of unity and support for President Wickremesinghe.

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