Seeking Applications for the Appointment of a Member to the Public Service Commission


Interested individuals are invited to submit applications to fill a vacancy in the post of a member of the Public Service Commission.

 According to Article 54 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, individuals who are Members of Parliament, Provincial Councils, or local authorities are not eligible for appointment as members of the Public Service Commission.

Additionally, individuals who were public officers or judicial officers before their appointment to the Commission will cease to hold such positions and will be ineligible for future appointments in those roles.


Interested applicants should refer to the information sheet available on the Parliament website for guidance on preparing their applications. Completed applications must be submitted to the “Secretary-General to the Constitutional Council, Constitutional Council – Office, Parliament of Sri Lanka, Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte” by registered post or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before 23 September 2024.


Please indicate ‘Appointment of Members to PSC’ on the top left-hand corner of the envelope or in the subject line of the email.

Interested individuals are invited to apply for a vacancy on the Public Service Commission in Sri Lanka. Applicants must not be a Member of Parliament, Provincial Council, or local authority as per the Constitution. Those who were public officers or judicial officers before their appointment will cease to hold their previous positions. The application process requires submission of completed forms available on the Parliament website to the Secretary-General of the Constitutional Council by September 23, 2024, via registered post or email. Applicants should indicate “Appointment of Members to PSC” on the envelope or email subject.

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