Sri Lanka Makes History with Unprecedented Number of Legal Reforms


Mr. Ranasinghe addressed the media at a press conference titled “Two Years of Progress and Advancement” at the Presidential Media Centre today (17).

He highlighted the ministry’s vital role in creating laws across various ministries. He mentioned that the Department of Legal Draftsman prepared 273 drafts in 2022 and 299 drafts in 2023, covering all three languages.

Secretary to the Ministry of Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reform, Mr. M. N. Ranasinghe further stated,

“The Ministry of Justice, Prison Affairs, and Constitutional Reforms have shown significant progress in legal reforms over the past two years.

During this time, the largest number of legal reforms were implemented.

59 legal reforms have been passed in Parliament under our ministry: 29 in 2022, 17 in 2023, and 13 so far in 2024. Additionally, seven more drafts are awaiting adoption by Parliament. Work on 44 other important legal amendments is also close to completion. The Ministry of Justice plays a key role in drafting laws for all ministries. Therefore, the Department of Legal Draftsman prepared 273 draft laws in 2022 and 299 in 2023, in all three languages, for other ministries.

By making the judicial system more efficient, cases can be resolved quickly, allowing assets involved in litigation to be used for economic development and promoting a favorable investment environment. It is evident that delays in the legal system directly impact economic growth.

According to a report by the Sectorial Oversight Committee on Legal Affairs in 2017, it typically takes around 17 years to conclude a criminal case. Studies indicate that it can take more than a generation to resolve land, partition, and testamentary cases. However, we have plans in place to address this issue.

Digitization of the judicial system is seen as a major solution. Thus, digitization efforts and numerous reforms have been implemented in the ministry and the judicial sector.

In addition, the amendment to the Constitution after 42 years increased the number of Supreme Court judges by 14. Despite the challenging economic situation, 76 judicial officers were recruited over the past two years. 34 individuals were also promoted to High Court Judges on two occasions. This led to an increase in the number of courts and the establishment of new courts.

The number of courtrooms in the Supreme Court was increased from 3 to 5, and in the Court of Appeal from 5 to 10 during this period. Digitalization has also been introduced in the Supreme Court, providing convenience to citizens and lawyers.

Achieving a top rank in the Ease of Doing Business Index is crucial for attracting foreign investments. Four Commercial High Courts have been set up in the Western Province to handle commercial disputes, with plans for more in the future. Legal reforms are also being pursued to establish an investment court for resolving investor disputes arising from the port city project quickly.

An Enforcing Contract Task Force is also working towards creating a conducive investment environment.

In conclusion, new measures and laws are expected to streamline legal processes for more efficient outcomes.”

Additional Secretary (Legal) Ms. Piyumanthi Peiris,

“The past two years have seen numerous legislative actions, including new law enactments and updates. The 21st amendment to the constitution builds on the positive aspects of the 20th amendment. Notably, through this amendment, all independent commissions were reinstated, effectively addressing past challenges. Provisions have been made to hold the President accountable for misconduct, require Parliamentary approval for high government positions, and seek approval from the Constitution Council for appointing the Governor of the Central Bank.

Moreover, important bills like the Anti-Corruption Bill and the Hydrology Bill have been introduced. The amendment to the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance now mandates severe penalties for possession of more than 5 grams of ‘ICE’ drug, including death or life imprisonment.
Additionally, the Regulation of Election Expenditure Bill now requires every election candidate to report their expenses within 21 days of election results, a significant step forward.”

Furthermore, English proceedings are now an option in the Commercial High Court, and online hearings are underway with a new arbitration law awaiting approval from the Attorney General to resolve cases outside traditional court settings.

In conclusion, these new laws and measures are expected to expedite legal proceedings significantly.”

Additional Secretary (Legal Reforms) Ms. Krishanthi Meegahapola,

“We are actively working on implementing Court Community Platform software to connect all institutions involved in the judicial sector. Recommendations from the Judicial Service Commission are being implemented with additional technical support. Digitization of all courts in Sri Lanka is planned in three phases, with support from the EU and technical assistance from UNDP. Pilot projects for this initiative are already underway.

Efforts have been made to streamline the bail application and provision process through an electronic system. Digital display boards have been installed in several Colombo courts to manage courtroom crowds effectively. An electronic payment system has also been introduced, with plans for an online payment system in the future.”

Additional Secretary (Engineering) Ms. S. A. K. Subasinghe,

“In the fiscal years 2022, 2023, and 2024, our ministry received allocations of Rs. 4862 million, Rs. 2748 million, and Rs. 2743 million respectively. With these funds, we have successfully opened court complexes in Ratnapura, Welimada, and Theldeniya.
Last year, a double apartment complex was built in Kurunegala. Renovation work has modernized the Judicial Service Commission building. Construction is underway for the Galle Court Complex, and plans are in place for the Colombo 12 Court Complex with a 16-floor building completed in six phases.

Efforts are also ongoing to modernize the Supreme Court complex and the Court of Appeal. A new court building is under construction in Wakarei, with judge quarters in Gampola, Halawatha, and Batticaloa.”

Government Analyst Ms. D. Seneviratne,

“Our department’s progress can be measured by the number of reports issued, which have shown significant growth over the years. There was an increase in both productions received and reports issued from 2022 to 2023, with a 37% rise in production receipts and a 30% increase in report issuances.”

Commissioner General of Prisons Mr. H.M.T.N Upuldeniya,

“The prison reform process has been successful in addressing overcrowding in prisons through various short-term and long-term measures. Plans are in place to relocate prisons within the next two years and work towards evacuating the Colombo prison has begun.”

Director General of the Office for Reparation Ms. J. Krishnamoorthy,

“The Office for Reparations works based on seven thematic principles to support citizens. Financial relief continues to be provided for movable and immovable properties and vehicles to those affected by the unrest in 2022, with 26,538 complaints receiving relief by December 2023.”

Additional Secretary (Development) Ms. R. P. S. Saman Kumari, Deputy Director (Legal) of the Legal Aid Commission Advocate Ms. S. M. K. Hapuarachchi, Secretary of the Conciliation Board Commission Ms. T. K. Rathnasuriya, Acting Director General of the Office for National Unity and Reconciliation Ms. Thushari Suriyarachchi, Head of Data Management of the Office of Missing Persons Mr. A. N. Nuwan, along with many officials from the Ministry of Justice, Prison Affairs, and Constitutional Reform, addressed the press conference.

Mr. Ranasinghe highlighted the Ministry of Justice’s role in drafting laws and legal reforms during a press conference. He mentioned the Department of Legal Draftsman’s preparation of numerous drafts in multiple languages. Significant progress was made in passing 59 legal reforms in Parliament, with more in the works. Efforts to make the judicial system efficient included digitization and increasing the number of courts. Measures like establishing Small Claims Courts, Commercial High Courts, and Enforcing Contract Task Force were implemented to improve access to justice and facilitate economic development. Various departments under the Ministry, such as the Attorney General’s Department, also underwent strengthening initiatives.

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