State Minister Chamara Sampath Dasanayake predicts that President Ranil Wickremesinghe will win a strong majority in the upcoming presidential election, leading the country towards revival.


State Minister for Primary Industries Chamara Sampath Dasanayake stated that the public is prepared to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe in the upcoming presidential election, recognizing his role in guiding the country out of its worst economic crisis.

He also emphasized that to advance the country’s economic development, it is essential for all parties to collaborate effectively.

Addressing the press briefing titled “Collective Path to a stable Country” held at the Presidential Media Centre (PMC) today (23), the State Minister further elaborated;

Under President Ranil Wickremesinghe, the country, which had previously plunged into the worst economic crisis in history, managed to recover within just two years. As a result, our ministry has transformed from a loss-making state to one that is now profitable.

Unlike other countries that faced severe economic crises, which have not achieved stability so quickly, our country has made significant progress. To continue this economic development and maintain stability, it is crucial for all parties to remain committed.

There was some initial opposition to the recent tax amendments aimed at increasing state revenue. However, as the positive results of these measures become evident, such objections are expected to diminish. It’s also important to note that many other countries impose higher tax rates than ours.

During the previous crisis, while people had money, there was a shortage of goods to purchase. Currently, that situation has improved. However, we still remember the state of the country two years ago. As a result, we are supporting President Ranil Wickremesinghe in the upcoming presidential election. The people are prepared to back the President regardless of party affiliation.

It is important to note that voters’ choices are driven by programs rather than party lines. In the upcoming elections, voters will focus on the policies rather than the personalities involved. We anticipate that President Ranil Wickremesinghe will secure a majority of votes in the Badulla area. Our citizens are discerning and make their decisions based on merit and the effectiveness of the candidates’ proposals.

State Minister Chamara Sampath Dasanayake expressed public support for President Ranil Wickremesinghe in the upcoming presidential election, acknowledging his role in steering the country out of economic crisis. Collaboration among all parties is key to further economic development. Under President Wickremesinghe, the country recovered from its worst economic crisis within two years, transforming a loss-making ministry into a profitable one. Despite initial objections to tax amendments, positive results are expected to diminish opposition. Voters prioritize policies over party lines, and support for President Wickremesinghe is expected regardless of party affiliation, focusing on the effectiveness of proposals.

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