The nation to overcome financial crisis and youth job shortage by resolving unemployment.


President Ranil Wickremesinghe declared that once the country overcomes bankruptcy this year, the initiative to provide job opportunities for unemployed youth will kick off.

He also stated that a program to introduce modern agriculture to villages in collaboration with private companies will be launched next year to revitalize the export economy.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe outlined these plans at the Jaffna District Youth Conference held by the National Youth Service Council at Duraiappah Stadium, Jaffna, yesterday (24).

The youth of Jaffna had the chance to directly present their needs and concerns to President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Chairman/Director General of the National Youth Service Council Pasindu Gunaratne was also present at the event. Later, the President participated in watching a cultural performance showcasing the talents of the local youth.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe addressed the event:

Today, it was highlighted that there is ample unused land in the Northern Province. This land is not only in Jaffna but also in other parts of Sri Lanka. These lands have remained uncultivated. Historically, our country’s agriculture was export-oriented. Sri Lanka exported grain during the Anuradhapura period, followed by tea, coffee, cinnamon, and rubber as major exports. However, these export activities have declined.

Therefore, there is a need to modernize agriculture and work towards re-establishing an export economy. The youth should be encouraged to engage in agriculture. The government and private companies aim to introduce smart agriculture to villages jointly. This will significantly boost Sri Lanka’s foreign currency earning capacity. Last week, I visited the Kegalle area on a field trip where I observed firsthand an entrepreneur utilizing modern agricultural practices. It is crucial to have more such entrepreneurs in the country.

Utilizing 5000 square feet of land through modern agriculture has the potential for significant income generation. Currently, modern agricultural methods can yield about eight metric tons of paddy per hectare, promoting both an export-oriented economy and one that is resilient to collapse.

Moreover, the government is focusing on tourism development, renewable energy, and energy exports. Regions like Kilinochchi, Mannar, and Jaffna have wind power potential, with plans to generate gigawatts of electricity, not just megawatts. Solar panel installations on tanks, particularly Poonaryn and Iranamadu, are part of this initiative, enhancing the Northern Province’s renewable energy capacity.

Efforts are also being made to establish Asia’s largest solar panel battery capable of generating 700 MW, marking the initial phase. These initiatives position the North to become Asia’s primary hub for renewable energy production, emphasizing the need for increased electricity generation in the energy sector’s future trajectory.

Therefore, agreements have been made with India’s Adani Company to lead renewable energy generation. A dedicated investment zone is set for development around the Cement Corporation site in Kankasanthurai, with plans for another in the Mankulam area. Ensuring the welfare of our fishermen by safeguarding our seas and modernizing the fishing industry is essential.

Over the past four years, Sri Lanka’s economy faced significant setbacks, resulting in challenges for its citizens. Currently, the country is on the path to recovery from bankruptcy. After recovery, efforts will be made to provide job opportunities for unemployed youth. The Economic Transformation Law Bill has been introduced in Parliament to shift towards an export-oriented economy. The goal is to compete with export-based economies like Vietnam, Malaysia, and Thailand for sustainable economic growth.

In response to your request, I have instructed the Chairman of the National Youth Service Council to organize a grand concert featuring South Indian artists in Jaffna within the next two months. Our government is committed to revitalizing the economy from bankruptcy and uplifting the living standards of its people.

Below are some questions posed to the President by the youth, along with President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s responses:

Hon. President, the shortage of drinking water is a major concern in the north. Can you provide a solution to address this issue?

To tackle the drinking water shortage in the north, the government has initiated a new project to purify seawater through desalination. This Desalination Project is set to begin in June. While the Northern Province experiences sufficient water availability at times, severe shortages occur during certain periods. It’s essential to devise strategies to effectively manage these fluctuations. This challenge is not limited to the north; similar issues exist in some southern regions as well. Reports indicate that by 2050, there will be a decrease in rainfall in dry zones and an increase in precipitation in wet zones, leading to water abundance. We are actively exploring solutions to address these challenges, recognizing that climate change poses complex problems not just for us but for many nations worldwide.

Hon. President, with widespread unemployment, could you implement an interest-free loan scheme for self-employment?

Unemployment is a pressing issue not only in Jaffna but across the nation. In recent years, the country has faced economic difficulties resulting in a lack of job opportunities. However, efforts are underway to revive the economy and overcome bankruptcy by the end of this year. Agreements with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have been finalized to facilitate this recovery process. As part of our long-term vision, we aim to transition to an export-oriented economy over the next 5-10 years. Legislation supporting this transformation will be introduced in Parliament between June and July. Despite the economic challenges last year, once the country emerges from bankruptcy in 2024, we plan to provide concessional loans through the banking system to support self-employment initiatives.

Hon. President, there are reports that Elon Musk, a prominent global entrepreneur, plans to visit Sri Lanka. How will this benefit the youth?

I have had discussions with Elon Musk regarding integrating the global ‘Starlink’ network with Sri Lanka to address Wi-Fi connectivity issues, especially outside Colombo. We also explored the potential of solar energy and other renewable energy sources in our country. I invited him to collaborate on significant projects in Sri Lanka. Additionally, the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission is assessing the ‘Starlink’ network, with most of the preliminary work completed. We are awaiting feedback from the Ministry of Defence to proceed with approval.

The presence of Minister Douglas Devananda, Northern Province Governor Mrs. P. S. M. Charles, Chairman/Director General of the National Youth Service Council Pasindu Gunaratne, and numerous young individuals added value to the discussion.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe announced plans to provide job opportunities for unemployed youth once the country overcomes bankruptcy this year. He also shared initiatives to introduce modern agriculture in villages with private companies to boost the export economy. At the Jaffna District Youth Conference, he emphasized the need for modernized agriculture and renewable energy development, with agreements in place for solar and wind power projects. The President responded to questions on water scarcity and unemployment by outlining government projects and future plans. Discussions with Elon Musk for Wi-Fi connectivity and renewable energy projects in Sri Lanka were also mentioned. The government aims to revitalize the economy and uplift living standards post-bankruptcy.

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