Foreign Exchange Rates – Nations Trust Bank


Currency Code Currency DD Buying Rate Mid Rates DD Selling Rate
USD US DOLLAR 292.73 298.70 304.67
GBP BRITISH POUND 383.77 393.61 403.45
EUR EUROP CURRENCY UNIT 321.94 331.90 341.86
JPY JAPANESE YEN 02.00 02.09 02.17
NZD NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR 179.29 185.79 192.29
HKD HONG KONG DOLLAR 36.78 38.32 39.85
JOD JORDANIAN DINAR 404.45 421.30 438.15
KWD KUWAITI DINAR 939.12 978.25 1,017.38
MYR MALAYSIAN RINGGIT 66.14 68.90 71.65
NOK NORWEGIAN KRONE 26.99 28.12 29.24
OMR OMANI RIAL 744.84 775.87 806.91
QAR QATARI RIYAL 78.67 81.95 85.23
SAR SAUDI ARABIAN RIYAL 76.39 79.57 82.76
SEK SWEDISH KRONA 27.98 29.14 30.31
SGD SINGAPORE DOLLAR 221.72 229.76 237.80
THB THAI BHAT 08.55 08.90 09.26
DKK DANISH KRONE 42.71 44.49 46.27
CHF SWISS FRANC 341.71 354.10 366.49
CAD CANADIAN DOLLAR 213.52 221.27 229.01
BHD BAHRAINI DINAR 761.63 793.36 825.09
AED EMIRATI DIRHAM 78.07 81.32 84.58
AUD AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 194.12 201.16 208.20

*The Exchange Rates quoted are for indication only and are subject to change without prior notice.

*All transactions above USD 5,000/- are referred to Treasury and exchange rates applied for such transactions are determined by the bank based on prevailing market conditions.

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